Herb Healing
Acupuncture & Herbs
Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Chinese Cupping, Massage
Address: 78 Walsgrave Road, Coventry CV2 4ED, UK.
Tel: 02476659898; Mobile: 07422626189
Chinese medicine(中药)
Traditional Chinese medicine mainly comes from plants, animals and minerals. Chinese medicine used in Britain is limited to plants only. Chinese medicine can have different tastes and flavors and can balance the body’s functions for cure or prevention of diseases. Chinese medicine is effective for cure or improvement and prevention of a variety of health problems, including human body’s resistance to disease, human body functioning, fatigue relief, pain relief, anti-aging, overall balance of the body, stress relief, depression adjustment, sleep improvement, male functioning, infertility, menopause, psoriasis of the body’s immune system and the nervous system.